Vision and mission

IE's vision and mission were developed in cognisance of the four central themes of the wider University strategy 2018-2023:

  • World-leading St Andrews
  • Diverse St Andrews
  • Global St Andrews
  • Entrepreneurial St Andrews


IE's vision is to be a centre of professional excellence and innovation in the creation and delivery of educational programmes, with a core focus on English language, academic and intercultural communication skills, and teacher development.


To illustrate the connection with the University's strategy, each IE mission statement listed below is followed by the two primary themes from the University strategy to which it relates.

The mission of IE is to:

  • Enhance diversity within the University by facilitating international students’ entry onto and success on degree programmes, through needs-driven pathway courses and ongoing individualised provision. University strategy themes: Diverse St Andrews; World-leading St Andrews.
  • Develop high quality short courses that make a St Andrews learning experience available to a diverse range of potential students. University strategy themes: Global St Andrews; Diverse St Andrews.
  • Promote pathway and short course offerings in collaboration with the University’s Admissions unit. University strategy themes: Global St Andrews; Entrepreneurial St Andrews.
  • Pioneer new approaches to teaching and contribute to teacher development within the higher education and language teaching community. University strategy themes: World-leading St Andrews; Entrepreneurial St Andrews.

IE also embraces the overarching concept of social responsibility that is embedded within the wider institutional strategy, particularly with regard to fostering a culture of tolerance, respect, kindness, and courtesy, both within and beyond the University community.