Celebrating teaching awards

22 April 2024
Madhavi Nevader being presented with award by Professor Dame Sally Mapstone, Principal
Pictured: The Principal, Prof. Dame Sally Mapstone and Dr Madhavi Nevader

The School of Divinity prioritises both teaching and research, at which, following the University motto, we seek 'ever to excel.' To that end, two of our academic staff have recently received awards in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the teaching of our students. Dr Madhavi Nevader, Lecturer in Hebrew Bible and (from June 2024) Associate Dean for Curriculum in Arts & Divinity, was given a 1413 University Teaching Excellence Award for 2023/4. Dr Eric Stoddart, Divinity Director of Operations, Lecturer in Practical Theology, and convener of our online MLitt, Bible and the Contemporary World, was awarded a student-led 1413 University Teaching Award in the category of "Outstanding Commitment to Academic Inclusivity," for his work in the promotion of EDI values in his teaching in the School.

We warmly congratulate Madhavi and Eric for their achievements in the classroom, and celebrate their contribution to the flourishing of our students! - Prof. Oliver Crisp, Head of School.

Barry Will, Eric Stoddart and David Byrne

Picture: Barry Will (Student Association President), Dr Eric Stoddart, David Byrne (School of Divinity Student President).