Report and Support Second ReportAppendix

Equality Monitoring Data

Reporters have the option to identify with a particular gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion and belief and sexual orientation. These data collection points help the University to identify areas for awareness-raising, action and support.

Gender identity

Data on reporting by gender

The highest category selected by those identifying as ‘woman’ is ‘other’ with 29 reports making up 22.7% of the total, the second highest was ‘sexual assault and rape’ at 20.3% of selections (15).

Sexual identity

Data on reports by sexual identity

‘Heterosexual’ was the most frequently reported sexual orientation for both years, with 38% in 2021-2, down slightly from 40% in 2020-1. The biggest proportional increase of reports was for those identifying as a ‘gay woman’ going from 1.5% to 5.6%. Reports from people identifying as ‘Bisexual’ increased from 11.1% of reports in 2020-1 to 16.7% in 2021-2.


Data on reporting by ethnicity

In 2021-2 the largest identified ethnicity was ‘White-British’ with 19.8% (37) of reports in 2021-2 and 19.5% (30) in 2020-1.


Reporting by age

The number of selections for between 16 and 44 years of age, increased from 85.8% (121) to 98.1% (191) reports. Reporting has decreased proportionally for ages 45 and above, from 4.3% (6) to 2.9% (6).


Reporting by disability

In 2021-2 and 2020-1 the category most chosen was ‘No known impairment, health condition or learning difference’ with 29.6% (59) of selections in 2021-2 and 34.0% in 2020-1.

Religion and Belief

Reporting by faith and religion

The reports for 2021-2 included the additional options of ‘Other religion or belief’ and ‘Pagan,’ that were not available for 2020-1.


  • Rebecca Swarbrick, Project Officer Mediation and Wellbeing
  • Ruth Unsworth, Head of Mediation and Wellbeing

In collaboration with colleagues from Student Services, Student Conduct, Human Resources and attendees of the Fora

With support and advice from  

  • Rebekah Widdowfield, VP People and Diversity
  • Laura Knox, Director of Planning