
The university has a Sharepoint tenancies available for researchers to develop their own Sharepoint site. Alternatively MS Teams allows Sharepoint sites to be created.


Microsoft Sharepoint is a technology enabling you to create websites.   You can use it as a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from any device.

Further assistance is available on Microsoft's site : What is sharepoint?


IT Services can set you up with a full Sharepoint site on the central tenancy, alternatively you can create your own Sharepoint site by creating a new Microsoft Team which also generates its own Sharepoint site.  The Sharepoint sites generated by Teams have slightly reduce functionality but should meet most requirements.

Where do I go for help?

Microsoft has comprehensive help available: Getting started with Sharepoint.

Service cost


Are there limits to the service?

IT Services can provide the "base" Sharepoint site for researchers to begin developing, but can not assist with the development of the site itself.

Expertise level required to use this service

Some development experience may be necessary.