Research data ethics advice

The Research Data Management Team can offer advice on the data ethics process.


The RDM team can provide initial advice on who to consult with regards to the ethics on research data. For example they can assist with creating and completing consent forms for data sharing and can guide you through the UTREC submission process.

Where do I go for help?

The RDM Team have information about working with sensitive data on their webpages.  Alternatively contact them directly via the details under "How do I get access".

Service location

The Research Data Management webpages offer a wealth of information on RDM with specific guidance on working with sensitive data.

Service cost


Are there limits to the service?

The RDM team cannot provide official advice on or approve any ethics proposals. For this contact UTREC. We can only provide initial advice on any ethical, legal and data security issues to consider and put you in touch with the relevant contacts at the University for more detailed enquiries.

Expertise level required to use this service

No expertise is required, the RDM Team will assist where possible.

Example / Use case for this service