Electron microscopy

The School of Chemistry provides St Andrews researchers and the wider academic and industrial communities with access to a range of scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEMs and TEMs).


The facility houses two SEMs equipped with X-ray energy dispersive spectrometers (EDS) for imaging and compositional analysis. A dual column FEI Scios SEM and focused ion beam (FIB) instrument provides high-resolution imaging of surface and subsurface features, site-specific TEM sample preparation, 3D reconstructions and fabrication of nanostructures. This instrument also allows concurrent compositional and crystallographic analysis through the combination of EDS and electron back-scatter diffraction EBSD. 

A JEM 2011 TEM is available for conventional TEM imaging and diffraction while a probe-corrected Titan Themis STEM/TEM equipped with EDS and an electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) allows imaging at a resolution of 0.08nm, electron diffraction, tomography and elemental analysis. 

Where do I go for help?

More information available on the Electron microscopy unit website.

Service cost

Contact Dr Miller