18th Century, Romantic and Victorian

The 18th Century, Romantic and Victorian research group studies literary culture from the 18th and 19th centuries. This research community has recently authored distinguished books, editions and essays on Robert Burns and James Hogg, Lord Byron, John Keats, Maria Edgeworth, Thomas Hood, Thomas Hardy, Aubrey Beardsley, and Shakespeare in the 19th century.

18th C, Romantic and Victorian

Current research topics

Current research projects in the group include the Longman Annotated English Poets editions of Byron and Keats, along with studies of:

  • Jacobin and Reformist Writing for Children
  • Thomas Hardy
  • Edward Dowden and the Politics of Culture in Victorian Ireland
  • Literature, Science and Photography in the early 1840s
  • Victorian Art, Literature and Film
  • Tolkien and Wagner
  • Virginia Woolf and Music.


Robert Crawford's biography of Burns, The Bard, was the 2009 Saltire Book of the Year; Jane Stabler's Byron: Poetics and History won the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay award in 2003.