Where are they now?

Dylan Bogoevski, MGeol Earth Science 2019

Mining Geologist (Gold), Australia

My MGeol degree from St Andrews helped me land a Mine Geologist role in the Australian gold fields. I use the skills learnt at St Andrews every day. For example, drawing face maps of the underground orebody, determining ore drive direction from the structures found in the mine and using data to develop the orebody. Some of my favourite courses that taught me these skills were Advanced Geological and Environmental Field Methods, Magmatic-related ore deposits and Advanced Petrogenesis. Further, the passionate faculty of St Andrews motivated me at every step.

Graduate Dylan Boegevski inside Gold Mine

Emily Stewart, BSc Environmental Earth Science 2019

Operational Meteorologist, Met Office, UK

After graduating I decided to be a weather forecaster. ‘Be reasonable, logical and consistent’ is the first phrase I heard when I started my training with the Met Office. Thankfully I had already learnt these valuable skills during my time at St Andrews, through interpreting geological samples and analysing environmental data. Studying a broad range of topics throughout my degree has given me a well-rounded scientific basis which I know could be applied to many different sectors. I am currently training as an aviation forecaster, providing regular local weather forecasts to UK airports.

Graduate Emily Stewart at Met Office

Pheobe Ross, MSc Geochemistry 2019

PhD Candidate, Imperial College London, UK

Since starting my PhD in palaeoceanography and isotope geochemistry, I recognise just how much I learnt throughout my degree at St. Andrews on a daily basis. The skills I developed allowed me to transition into a PhD with ease and I have quickly recognised just how well regarded the department and the academics at St. Andrews really are. The year I spent there is largely, if not entirely responsible for the position I’m in today.

Graduate Phoebe Ross

Emily Brown, MGeol Earth Science 2018

Assistant Curator of Earth Systems, National Museums Scotland, UK

The integrated Masters degree in Earth Science at St Andrews provided me with a solid education and training across the geosciences. This acts as a firm basis for my day-to-day work of identifying, contextualising and caring for Scotland’s national mineral and rock collections. Most important for me and my current position, however, was the support and opportunities available outside of the classroom, namely the opportunity to undertake an internship in concert with the Wardlaw Museum, in which I helped curate the department’s historic mineral collection.

Graduate Emily Brown

Colin Mettam, PhD Geochemistry 2018

Post-doctoral researcher, University College London, UK

Pursuing a PhD in Geochemistry was challenging and rewarding, but my overriding memory was of the collegiate nature of the department. During my time at St Andrews I was fortunate to work with, and learn from, people who are world leaders in their fields, both in the department, and in collaboration with other Universities in the UK, the USA, and also at the Natural History Museum London. I was also fortunate to travel for lab work (USA) and fieldwork (two weeks wild camping in Svalbard) and also attended conferences in Japan and Paris.

Graduate Colin Meetam in the lab

Duncan Harle, BSc Geology, 2018

Greenfield Exploration, Australia

Post-graduation in 2018, I went on to study a MSc in Exploration Geology at Camborne School of Mines and work for Scotgold Ltd as an Exploration Geologist. After-completion of the MSc, I emigrated to Australia to work as an exploration geologist for Fortescue Metals Group. Starting on an RC and Diamond drill rig for 3-months in Iron Ore exploration before changing teams to the sedimentary copper-gold exploration team which I currently work in, conducting greenfield exploration in the Great Sandy Desert – Paterson Orogen, WA.

Graduate Duncan Harle on drilling trip

Madeleine Stow, MSc Geochemistry 2018

PhD candidate, University of Durham, UK

After completing a BSc in Geology at the University of Edinburgh, I realised I needed more practical lab experience before applying for a geochemistry-based PhD. The MSc Geochemistry degree from St Andrews was perfect in this regard; I learnt the fundamental theories of isotope geochemistry in the taught portion of the course, and gained the necessary skills for working in a clean lab during my research project, which I use every day during my PhD.

Graduate Madaline Stow

Alice O'Neill, MSc Geochemistry 2018

Project Consultant, Circulor, London, UK

After completing my masters at St Andrews I embarked on a career as an Exploration Geologist in Mozambique on the World’s largest ruby mine. On completion in Mozambique I came back to work in London as a Project Consultant for Circulor who specialise in tracking commodities from mine to market. My masters at St Andrews gave me a great foundation both academically and technically and allowed me to explore sides of geology that I’m truly passionate about. I use the skills that I learnt at St Andrews on a daily basis along with my notes when I need to refresh my memory on ore deposit formation.

Msc Geochemistry Alice O'Neill 2018

Charlotte Gordon, MGeol Earth Science 2018

PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, UK

The MGeol degree at St Andrews was a very flexible course that allowed me to tailor my modules and gain exceptional research experience. I found that the wide range of topics covered helped me to make an informed choice about the kind of career path I wished to pursue. The skills I gained, particularly during my research placement and dissertation, provided a strong foundation from which to step into a PhD.

Graduate Charlotte Gordon in Yosemite

James Crosby, MSc Geochemistry 2017

PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, UK

I elected to study at the University of St Andrews with the intention of gaining the skills to become the best PhD candidate I could be. During this time, I experienced the guidance of exceptional teaching, demanding but accessible course content, world-class analytical facilities, and a fostering working environment. I have found the skills I obtained during this experience to be invaluable foundations I will use the rest of my career.

Graduate James Crosby in the laboratory

Craig Martin, BSc Geology 2017

PhD candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

The field skills I learned at St Andrews and the breath of field experience offered was instrumental in helping me get to do a field-based PhD in the Himalayan mountain range.

Graduate Craig Martin in the Himalaya

Michael van Mourik, BSc Geology 2017

Hydrogeologist, Perth, Australia

For me, it has become increasingly obvious how valuable my degree at St Andrews was and how well regarded it is in the professional world. But it is mainly the practical skills and confidence garnered throughout the four years there that has proved invaluable in my current role.

Graduate Michael van Mourik

Nicolette Meyer, BSc Geology 2016

PhD candidate, Stanford University, USA

Studying geology at the University of St Andrews was the best decision I made: the approachable faculty, the amazing fieldtrips to the Scottish Highlands, and the fantastic friends I made fundamentally shaped my university experience. My four years at St Andrews helped me discover my research interests – to investigate the role of deep-sea sediment microorganisms in global biogeochemical cycles – and I am doing a PhD today thanks to the support of the people I met in the small, Scottish seaside town. In the photo I am holding up a Kuster tool (samples water at the bottom of boreholes).

Graduate Nicotlette Meyer on IODP ship

Stefan Farsang, BSc Geology 2016

PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, UK

The Geology BSc degree from St Andrews provided me with strong foundations for my PhD studies in Experimental Mineral Physics at the University of Cambridge. As part of my PhD, I study deep Earth mineral-fluid interactions and their effect on the long-term climate of our planet. Some of the analytical techniques I use are only available in particle accelerators, so my work involves frequent visits of state-of-the-art beamlines at Diamond Light Source, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and others.

Graduate Stefan Farsang

Jessica Chandler, BSc Geology 2016

Accenture Consulting, London, UK

When I started university the oil industry was in a boom and when I graduated it was in a complete bust. After a brief stint working in the pharmaceutical sector, I considered what a Geology degree really taught me. I learnt a lot about energy markets, it made me a highly analytic person, excited to solve big problems and it made me resilient. I started at Accenture in 2018 and landed a role in developing innovative technology solutions for the Nuclear Industry. I am now a consultant with my own team and just delivered an ArcGIS solution for all the hard-working Geologists on site.

Graduate Jess Chandler

Jake Cain, BSc Geology 2016

Advisor, Deloitte UK

After graduating I joined the mining industry. I worked as a mine geologist in Mozambique before moving into exploration and gaining the opportunity to work across east and central Africa. After 3 years working in the mines, I chose to transition into an advisory role with Deloitte’s mining team performing due diligence and financial valuations for companies and investors operating in the mining sector. My BSc has been the foundation to my career and continues to underpin the roles I have worked in since graduating.

BSc Geology student Jake Cain 2015

Noor Emeera Hashim, BSc Environmental Geoscience 2015

Sustainability Consultant, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

After graduation, I had multiple stints in various industries (O&G, renewable energy, environmental) before finally settling in Sustainable Development. Since then, I have written a National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation; helped corporate clients identify, mitigate and report sustainability risks; and worked on providing a village with access to clean water. Although my degree does not entirely align with my current professional field, I wouldn't change a thing. Based on my experience, an Environmental Geoscience degree is valuable and provides a range of career opportunities.

Graduate Emeera Hashim