New instrument on ESA ExoMars rover

23 November 2023
A new infrared spectrometer called Enfys, which means 'rainbow' in Welsh, will be included on the Rosalind Franklin rover, set to launch to Mars in 2028. Led by Aberystwyth University, Claire Cousins from the School of Earth and Environmental Science is co-leading the scientific development of the instrument, along with colleagues at the Natural History Museum, London. Enfys will provide data that will help the mission teams detect and identify clay and other minerals of interest within the geological deposits being explored by Rosalind Franklin. This information will help guide where the rover will drill and collect material for analysis with other on-board instruments. To find out more, read the BBC News article here
We currently have a fully-funded PhD opportunity to work on Enfys at St Andrews, starting next autumn, and a sister PhD project at the NHM.  
Radar map of the surface of Mars
Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona