Athena SWAN

Athena SWAN started with the Athena Project and the Scientific Women’s Academic Network (SWAN), advancing representation of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM) in higher education. It was expanded to include arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL) and now also covers professional services staff and transgender staff and students. Levels of the award are Bronze, Silver and Gold.‌

The Chemistry Athena SWAN team advances equality and diversity within the School. The team contains representatives of different roles and careers as well as work-life balance experiences. The School was awarded an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in 2014 and a Silver Award in 2015.

Athena SWAN links

Women in Science at St Andrews

Women in Science at St Andrews (WISSA)       

Academic Women Now: Experiences of Mid-Career Academic Women in Scotland, A. Fyfe, I. De Moortel and S. E. Ashbrook (2016). 

Academic Women Here!: On being a female academic at the University of St Andrews, A. Fyfe, I. De Moortel and S. E. Ashbrook (2018).

Suffrage Science Awards