Dean of Medicine

The Dean of Medicine is responsible for the Faculty of Medicine, including the School of Medicine and all related research groups. He represents all permanent members of academic staff within the Faculty.


Professor David Crossman

The current Dean of Medicine is Professor David Crossman. He has held this role since 2014.

Dean of Medicine - Professor David Crossman

Professor David Crossman qualified in medicine in 1982, having studied at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. In 1985, he became registrar (Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiology) at Hammersmith Hospital before becoming a senior registrar (Cardiology) in 1990. In 1994 he became the first Professor of Clinical Cardiology at the University of Sheffield and an honorary consultant cardiologist. In 2008, he became head of a full academic department at the University of Sheffield. In 2007, the group was awarded a National Institute for Health Research grant and became a Biomedical Research Unit, of which Professor Crossman became Director. 

Professor Crossman became Dean of Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia and honorary consultant cardiologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals in 2011.

In 2014 he joined the University of St Andrews as Dean of Medicine and in 2017 he was appointed Chief Scientist for Health - a seconded post with the Scottish Government two days per week.

As a cardiologist, he continues to undertake general cardiology having previously been an interventional cardiologist and has interests in heart disease in pregnancy.